Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Colt Sighting: The Nebraska Game

So instead of the usual Post Game Report (really, the pictures just aint what they used to be), I can actually give you a first hand account of the game cause I was there! And Colt was there! And I saw him! So it qualifies as a Colt sighting.

It's a little hard watching the game in person. Colt gets slammed like every single play cause we have no o-line and you're pretty sure he's dead but he gets up, trooper that he is. And then everyone around me was yelling at him and I'm all "why don't you go try that yourself, you fat redneck?" (sorry, dad). I'm serious, I was about to throw down (and anyone who knows me knows how much of a lie that is). Also when Colt makes a big play, theres this video of him juggling footballs on the Godzillatron. I can't tell if it's computer animation or if he really is that good at juggling balls cause it's quite impressive.

So we won (just barely) and I decided to press my luck and try to follow Colt to the locker room. Long story short, I was released from the Travis County Jail this morning.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

okay, so this is my first official comment. you guys really do crack me up, i am officially a fan. i loved the dance class story. and as for getting thrown in jail, my apologies i would have bailed you out, but my boy kindle wanted to speak with me.