Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas

Colt sings "Oh Holy Night"...

Sorry we haven't been posting too much lately. It's just that there's been nothing much going on with no football games being played. That being said, we have some exciting things planned for the New Year! What are they, you ask? Well, you'll just have to come back and find out. Until then, Merry Christmas from the staff at the McCoy McBlog! 

And don't say we never gave yall anything...

Monday, December 17, 2007

Pony's Next Conquest?

Meet Rudy Carpenter, the quarterback for the Arizona State Sun Devils, whom Colt and the Longhorns will face in the Holiday Bowl on December 27:

Sorry, I couldn't find a good picture of him and had to improvise. But, from my limited research, you're not missing much. His number? 12. That sound you just heard was Pony's '87 Camero speeding off to wherever Arizona State is located (I'm guessing somewhere in Arizona).

Slow News Week

We apologize for the lack of updates. It seems Colt has continued his downward spiral but unfortunately our photographer has gone on strike and Colt has done a good job of hanging in places we dare not tread.
We digress. A few weeks ago, Colt was scheduled to attend UT Athletics Career Day. I found this out from his Sorority Girl publicist who is now on better terms with McCoy McBlog I must add. Unfortunately, Colt was a no-show to Career Day for no apparent reason. I called up his publicist and instead of answering any real questions, she offered to have lunch with me so that I could give her a list of questions to ask Colt on our behalf. I declined in hopes of getting real information. She then said that career day "just wasn't that important to Colt," despite the fact that many a non-famous Longhorn athlete attended in hopes of getting career advice from the McCoy himself.
Luckily, this event was pre-strike Fernando and through some staunch negotiating, we managed to pry two photos from his filthy picketing hands.

The McCoy McBlog is now accepting applications for a new photographer.

Monday, December 3, 2007

The Answers to All Your Questions!

The Austin American-Statesman posted a list of several UT athlete's iPod workout playlists and, of course, Colt McCoy's was revealed. After months of speculation, here's the music Colt listens to to get "pumped up":

1. (tie) 'She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy,' Kenny Chesney and 'I Can Still Make Cheyenne,' George Strait
2. 'Good Directions,' Billy Currington
3. 'Tuesday's Gone,' Lynyrd Skynyrd
4. 'Big City,' Merle Haggard
5. 'Cowboy Song,' Thin Lizzy
6. 'Yellow Ledbetter,' Pearl Jam
7. 'Bad Company,' Bad Company
8. 'Hotel California,' Eagles
9. 'Lost and Found,' Randy Rogers Band
10. 'She's Every Woman,' Garth Brooks

I couldn't have made up a better list. It just seems so perfect! Pearl Jam seems very out of place. I like how number one is a tie. As if Colt were working out, says to himself "George is just not cutting it this morning" and switches over to "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy." I mean, "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy"! It doesn't get any better than that! I also realized that Colt and I could never by iPod friends 'cause my list is a Still some George Strait though.

In other news, congrats to the UT basketball team for doing what the football team couldn't do all year: beat a real team.

Colt Sighting

Although we have been at the forefront of the Dump Pony Parade, Colt has proven himself to be inseparable from his former lady love, despite her recent behavior. Rumors have abounded that Pony has hit rock bottom and was seen at a local 7/11 binge eating the fresh baked brownie bars and crying Colt's name in a baked goods enhanced rage. A source close to the McCoy McBlog reported sighting Colt on a flight from Lubbock to Austin earlier today. Reports were later e-mailed in saying Colt along with Pony in harness were sighted at the Texas Tech Theater Production of Jitter and clicking on this link will NOT earn us 25 cents per click. Again, clicking WILL NOT EARN US 25 CENTS PER CLICK. Could a reconciliation be in the works? We won't be the only ones to say we hope not.