Yes, the idea that the football season is almost over required the use of a frowning emoticon. It seems like just yesterday the season started, filled with hope, joy, and impossible expectation, only to be destroyed in the coming weeks by failure, betrayal, and Doucheface.
It's about time we had a post focused on Colt since, you know, this is the McCoy McBlog and everything. Let's be honest here. Colt did not have the best of years this season. He threw way to many interceptions and got sacked way too many times and we continue to not be in the championship game. To be honest, most of the blame probably falls on the offensive line, who were obviously payed by mafia types (or Doucheface. Or Stoopsy) to not tackle defenders this season.
However, I feel something else is to blame: Colt's out of control behavior. It should come as no surprise to any reader of this blog that Colt has had a turbulent year, mostly brought on by his scheming groupie/girlfriend Pony. As I touched on last week, his behavior has been personified in his drastically changed appearance compared to last year when he, you know, was good.
Still confused? Here are some pictures to illustrate my point:
Old Colt (ie: career passing record): "We have to be in bed by 9 cause we have Sunday school tomorrow!" (note: this picture might have been taken when he was in junior high. I can't really tell.)

New Colt (ie: career interception record): "I didn't read that book before I wrote that paper, I just copied stuff off of Spark Notes."

Now you can see the dilemma I'm having. I mean, I like it when Colt does good, but I also like it when he looks like he does in the picture above. Need more proof? Let's just say his hair isn't the only the only thing that has grown

What do you think, readers? Should Colt clean his image back up and score some more touchdowns? Or should he continue down his class-skipping, hair-growing, paper-copying, girlfriend-cheating, hot-looking, football-not-playing-well ways? It's an interesting question, one I'm sure many grad thesis' (or is it thesi?) will be written about this semester.
Speaking of hair problems, other Colt? Other Colt!

Can you tell it was kinda slow at work today?