It could be that we are just caught up in election year fever. But it seems like politics is the place to be these days to see and be seen, and we think that Colt's down home values will mesh well with the nation as a whole. It's no secret that while they were here in the ATX this past week, Democratic hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama both met with Colt. Could it be that they see a little bit of that John Edwards charm emanating from everyone's favorite quarterback? Were they seeking his advice on health care reform? Were they simply pandering to the hometown crowd? We may never know the answers to these questions.
Point is, Colt could do good for our country, and he has the ideas to prove it.
Why reform health care? Simply drink eight glasses a day and you will never need to go to the doctor!
Taxes? Raise the asking price on luxury skyboxes at DKR-Texas Memorial Stadium, while passing on the savings to you, the middle-class season ticket holder!
Gay marriage? A lifetime in the locker room has certainly helped Colt see that there's nothing wrong with a little guy-on-guy action every now and then!
Border security? It's not our neighbors to the south we need to worry about, but those landgrabbers to the north! Yes, build a fence around Oklahoma, and shoot on site the ones trying to cross the Rio Rojo!
Colt McCoy: Change we can believe in!
Now let's not get ahead of ourselves. Colt does not yet have the experience needed to run a country, much less a dynamic offense, so he should simply enter as running mate at this point to either Clinton or Obama. As for McCain? Well, Colt likes to be on winning teams (ouch, sick burn!).

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