So, we here at the McCoy McBlog realize that a list of "12 Things Colt McCoy should do to become more famous" is about as dated as, well, as when Colt was not famous. Since the blog started, Colt has not only become a Heisman candidate and saviour to the State of Texas, he is an international sex symbol. And that's something we here at the McBlog would like to take some credit in. You guys and your "Colt McCoy Shirtless" searches. Yeah, we know about them. And we know exactly where they lead...
But in the interest of completing this thing and moving on, here is the #1 thing Colt can do in 2008... um... 2009 to become famous (short of winning the Heisman and National Championships)...
It may sound crazy but the #1 thing Colt needs to do to gain fame in '08 is adopt children from a 3rd world country. Think about it.
What other easy way is there to take up an entire week's news cycle and make the talk show circuit? Once the news gets old, Colt can do an exclusive interview and let cameras follow him around as he balances his new role as father with his old role of quarterback. And once that has worn off, the kid's gonna have a birthday party. And one heck of a birthday party it will be! Free Bevo rides for everyone!
And if things get a little tough, something tells me the Jolie-Pitts would be willing to help out. And while we're at it, why not suggest that they take in a new kid of their own? We mean Colt. We're not trying to pawn off anymore 3rd world kids on them.
Sure Colt's a little older than the usual age of Brangelina brats but he is from Texas, and in some places that is considered a third world country.

It's a new year (ish) and the McBlog is McBack!
OH MY GOD, you guys are back!!! Thanks to Austin and Travis for bringing the blog back. love y'all! :)
btw, Colt could adopt one of those kids from Peru. You know the ones he hung out with during his mission trip. that would be too cute!
nice work! i just wanted to add that colt looks a little like a stalk/kidnapper in the photo with brangelina.
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