Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Colt Sighting

Or something like am I the only person who's heard rumors of a Mack/Colt rift? Well I'd like to lie and say that I asked Mack about this yesterday when I ran into him exiting the UT Athletes only gym at the Frank Erwin Center. As I was on my way around the building to clock in for work, Mack exited, saw me and went back to double check that the door had locked behind him. Trying to keep my prying eyes away? Either way Mack smiled (finally no scowling!) and said, "Good morning." Then I replied with a "Whasssuuuupppppp?!!!" Here's a sketch of what Mr. Brown looks like in work out gear:


Tiny Jeni said..., you didn't see Colt!? Well, why the hell am I reading this blog?

Travis said...

i said "or something like that"!